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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:15 am
by coldbrightsunlight
King of the road says you move too slow

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:43 pm
by Achtane
I cannot listen to Fu Manchu without also seeing PS1-era Tony Hawk kickflipping around an empty school.
Also one of my earliest memories is of a Fu Manchu poster in my dad's apartment.

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:35 am
by Adoom
I found a place.

After so much nonsense.

It’s too expensive for what it is but how and ever.

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:05 am
by cosmicevan
Feeling really good today! Wife and I have found our resilience and have accepted the world as is and are finally in a groove and the mood in my home is really solid lately. Transition to summer from "school" was nerve wracking but we've found a few solid activities / destinations that are safe and great to see others. As someone w general health issues (compromised immune system, etc), when COVID hit, I decided I needed to start taking my health EXTRA seriously and in the 4 months since the pandemic started, I'm down 25 pounds! This is the lightest I've been in at least 5 years and it's still peeling off. Work is also going surprisingly well...the hump of getting used to remote work is over, I've even had my office ship me all my gear so I'm not hovering over a laptop all the time...boss said I'm killing it and as soon as we start hiring again he's going to let me grow my team out more. Business is not crushing it, but all things considered we are well poised to come out of COVID in great shape and company's stock is at an all time high (I really don't get the market and am still pissed I pulled fully out in early march when it was crashing, but oh well...can't have it all?!).

Hoping those reading this are smiling more often than not...I know it's rough out there but I'm learning that I don't need to carry all that weight on my shoulders...the world is gonna do what the world is gonna do, I just gotta make sure cosmic, mrs cosmic and the cosmic spawns are smiling and lately, we have been!

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:14 am
by D.o.S.
I recently rediscovered this gem from 2011. A simpler time. A drunker time. A snowier time.


Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:44 pm
by coldbrightsunlight
It's so perfect. Couldn't have written it better for a movie :lol:

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:54 pm
by Lurker13
cosmicevan wrote:Feeling really good today! Wife and I have found our resilience and have accepted the world as is and are finally in a groove and the mood in my home is really solid lately. Transition to summer from "school" was nerve wracking but we've found a few solid activities / destinations that are safe and great to see others. As someone w general health issues (compromised immune system, etc), when COVID hit, I decided I needed to start taking my health EXTRA seriously and in the 4 months since the pandemic started, I'm down 25 pounds! This is the lightest I've been in at least 5 years and it's still peeling off. Work is also going surprisingly well...the hump of getting used to remote work is over, I've even had my office ship me all my gear so I'm not hovering over a laptop all the time...boss said I'm killing it and as soon as we start hiring again he's going to let me grow my team out more. Business is not crushing it, but all things considered we are well poised to come out of COVID in great shape and company's stock is at an all time high (I really don't get the market and am still pissed I pulled fully out in early march when it was crashing, but oh well...can't have it all?!).

Hoping those reading this are smiling more often than not...I know it's rough out there but I'm learning that I don't need to carry all that weight on my shoulders...the world is gonna do what the world is gonna do, I just gotta make sure cosmic, mrs cosmic and the cosmic spawns are smiling and lately, we have been!
Congrats on all that!

Also, keeping your weight down now is important. A doctor on the news said that obesity is a factor in how badly this virus affects people.

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:59 pm
by cosmicevan
Bummer of ALL bummers happened about a week ago and I fired up my setup and my mixing board (an old Digi002 mixer - I use it as a free standing board only, not an interface...cause, well firewire) showed a bunch of gobbledy gook and wouldn't fully load up. After scouring the internet a bit, I came to learn that there is a known power harness issue that can be taken care of by simply opening it up and detaching and re-attaching some stuff (contact cleaner if you have it) I gave it a whirl and presto chango - IT WORKED!!!! My board is back up and running!!! Huzzah!!! So happy!!!!

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:51 am
by fcknoise
D.o.S. wrote:I recently rediscovered this gem from 2011. A simpler time. A drunker time. A snowier time.

wait this is the best thing i've ever seen

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:47 am
by Paul_C
With the purchase of the Owl (and all the rest) I feel like I've reached pedal nirvana, even if it's only for a while :)

That doesn't mean my buying is done, but I feel like it'll be more casual than must-have.

There are pedals I'd like to try (which might come and go) but none which I've agonised over buying new or waiting for a bargain. This is also true of a few synthy things and one or two guitars.

I'm just looking forward to a little more time to myself when I can try out all my new stuff, change pedal order, swap stuff out and in and generally focus on making music.

:joy: :omg: :!!!:

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:31 pm
by chuckjaywalk
One year ago today, I started my job in Omaha. Today marks the first 1 year anniversary I've had at a job in 3 and a half years. Two days ago, I got the keys to my new apartment and started moving my things into it. After several years of transient living, it is a massive relief to have my name on the lease to an apartment that is within walking distance of my job. I'm doing my best. I'm trying. Yes, a mostly entry level IT job that doesn't pay well and a one-room apartment in Omaha isn't much but it is the best I've had in a long time. I'm hanging on. I started playing guitar again two weeks ago, after at least 4 years of not really doing much musically. I'll likely never be in the buying a ton of gear and flipping stuff like crazy mode ever again, but I have my Strat. She's been through 2 divorces, 3 cross-country moves, and more heartache than one life should bear. That's a lot for one guitar to take.

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:31 pm
by coldbrightsunlight
:hug: Glad to hear you're doing alright and enjoying stability!

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:35 pm
by Achtane
That's great dude. Good to hear.

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:04 pm
by Lurker13
chuckjaywalk wrote:One year ago today, I started my job in Omaha. Today marks the first 1 year anniversary I've had at a job in 3 and a half years. Two days ago, I got the keys to my new apartment and started moving my things into it. After several years of transient living, it is a massive relief to have my name on the lease to an apartment that is within walking distance of my job. I'm doing my best. I'm trying. Yes, a mostly entry level IT job that doesn't pay well and a one-room apartment in Omaha isn't much but it is the best I've had in a long time. I'm hanging on. I started playing guitar again two weeks ago, after at least 4 years of not really doing much musically. I'll likely never be in the buying a ton of gear and flipping stuff like crazy mode ever again, but I have my Strat. She's been through 2 divorces, 3 cross-country moves, and more heartache than one life should bear. That's a lot for one guitar to take.
Good to know you're doing better. :thumb:

It sounds like your Strat has a lot to sing, cry, and scream about, so let it all out. :rock:

Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:31 pm
by cosmicevan
Welcome back!!! Keep going!!!