the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thread

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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Jwar »

I've got bills to pay, shit to do that sucks, motivation to find...but for the first time in over a year, I'm happy. I'm at peace with it all. I've made peace and resolution. My mind is being worked on and that's the best thing that's could happen to me. I'm bipolar and I am finally getting some relief. My life is going to change now for the better. :)
"I do not have the ability to think rationally 90% of the time and I also change my mind at the drop of a hat".

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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by calfzilla »

Congrats JWAR!
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Paul_C »


this might brighten your day too:

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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by calfzilla »

That video cracked me up.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by aens_wife »

Jwar wrote:I've got bills to pay, shit to do that sucks, motivation to find...but for the first time in over a year, I'm happy. I'm at peace with it all. I've made peace and resolution. My mind is being worked on and that's the best thing that's could happen to me. I'm bipolar and I am finally getting some relief. My life is going to change now for the better. :)
I am really happy for send some of that peace and resolution my way!
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Paul_C »

Interestingly (to me at least) I'm happier today because I've been worrying about money earlier this week, and decided to put some pedals up for sale (not on here, as most of you are not in the UK, so I thought I'd ask there first, sorry (I feel guilty now ;) ) ).

Anyway, because of that I've been answering questions about them and also giving them a little extra attention in case I don't have them much longer.

The end result has been that not only do I still have all my pedals (as no-one has been interested enough to make an offer on any of them), but now I know a little more about one or two of them that I haven't played in a while :)

I've also calmed down a bit about the money thing, so I'm not bothered about selling any more, which is always good.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by BitchPudding »

Well, therapy has successfully gotten me through the Halloween season. First year in a long time where I didnt feel like shit. Today is testing my patience but at least I can have that small victory to claim.
ummohyeah wrote:Godspeed rule and no amount of tape would make their pedalboards safe from my cum.
BitchPudding wrote: No, I'm THE bitch. The only one allowed here.

How dare you sully my good name.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by comesect2.0 »

Just spent 8 days buckin buds in cali. Most cannabis I've ever seen. Crazy life to live wild west style friggin choppers takin pics and wild fires and hicks druggin drinks at the tavern...turned 31 in that tavern....wild...and the women.......ds9 on a mountain.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Dapper Bandit »

The artisinal pizza restaurant around the corner from my work just gave me a free pizza! Pays to take my smoke breaks opposite them I suppose.
Even better, it was a vegetarian one which as a guilty omnivore was super nice.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Dr. Sherman Sticks M.D. »

busting thru code that has been blocking me for months.

its funny when things just randomly hit u when u are doing the most unrelated things.

generally contented over here
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by gnomethrone »

Joined a new band today. Learned the songs they have, played one of mine and they liked it and want to use it. Nice people, fun stuff to play. Im super excited. Big thanks to everybody on here for teaching me how to make a guitar sound good and inspiring me to keep making music. Seriously, I love you all. Thank you!
good dealings here:
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by BitchPudding »

I'm tired as all fuck physically and emotionally, but finally addressing past traumas in therapy has helped me write about them in songs. It helps that I'm not the lead singer in this current outfit, but at this point any way to get this stuff out is positive for me. Here's hoping this is the beginning of moving on.
ummohyeah wrote:Godspeed rule and no amount of tape would make their pedalboards safe from my cum.
BitchPudding wrote: No, I'm THE bitch. The only one allowed here.

How dare you sully my good name.
You can find my band here. We are Phantoms Forever. ... uJz3_ZbcSw ... c0MzIxNw==
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Dapper Bandit »

Got to pick up my glasses yesterday, walking home was really weird and fun because I could actually make things out clearly. Who knew reading registration plates on passing cars could be both fun and life affirming?
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by fcknoise »

I guess back in may I posted about my mom catching cancer and how everything sucked. I haven't really been around here, I've been crazy stressed about everything and I have had basically no money to spend at all this year but I felt like posting a little update.

My mom has gone through surgery, the entire chemo thing and is in the process of getting radiation treatment, but this is also the reason I'm posting in this thread instead of the hate, spite thread. She is going to be fine and they are only treating for eventualities, they can't see any left and overall mom and I are really close now. This is from when I was back home in sweden with her and it captures the entire process in a pic; it's been mostly positive and happy, and I feel so grateful that everything has gone well so far.

Secondly, I've been working on a documentary with my friend (who is a documentary film maker), and it's been really exciting. I have gone from not being sure about the scope of the project and how professional it would be to realizing it's 100% legit. It's taken me through the US, a post-apocalyptic larp in poland and to japan. It's set for a rough cut release sometime in may/june and finished I guess after next summer? At one point the costs for post-production is going to run pretty high and we are debating running a crowd funding thing to be able to make it really neat and pretty, plus having the ability to actually finish it. I'll make a thread about it when I know more and maybe some of you would consider donating or sharing it. Idk, that's not the point of this post.

I just kinda wanna say I miss having time to hang out here more. The little extra time I have I usually spend making music and stuff, so that hasn't died out at least. Soon I may or may not be able to post more frequently, depending on exactly how fucking unemployed I'll be after my masters is done, lol
Cydonia wrote: Too bad no one here is interested in talking about "gear"
BossMann73 wrote:I didn't insult it......I "curated" a "different aesthetic.".
John wrote:I love how this forum has the GDP of Switzerland in pedals but the collective value of everyone's patch cables is less than the change in my couch cushions. And I don't have a couch.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Lurker13 »

fcknoise wrote:I guess back in may I posted about my mom catching cancer and how everything sucked. I haven't really been around here, I've been crazy stressed about everything and I have had basically no money to spend at all this year but I felt like posting a little update.

My mom has gone through surgery, the entire chemo thing and is in the process of getting radiation treatment, but this is also the reason I'm posting in this thread instead of the hate, spite thread. She is going to be fine and they are only treating for eventualities, they can't see any left and overall mom and I are really close now. This is from when I was back home in sweden with her and it captures the entire process in a pic; it's been mostly positive and happy, and I feel so grateful that everything has gone well so far.
That is truly great news about your mom! I'm really happy for her, you, and your whole family.
fcknoise wrote:Secondly, I've been working on a documentary with my friend (who is a documentary film maker), and it's been really exciting. I have gone from not being sure about the scope of the project and how professional it would be to realizing it's 100% legit. It's taken me through the US, a post-apocalyptic larp in poland and to japan. It's set for a rough cut release sometime in may/june and finished I guess after next summer? At one point the costs for post-production is going to run pretty high and we are debating running a crowd funding thing to be able to make it really neat and pretty, plus having the ability to actually finish it. I'll make a thread about it when I know more and maybe some of you would consider donating or sharing it. Idk, that's not the point of this post.

I just kinda wanna say I miss having time to hang out here more. The little extra time I have I usually spend making music and stuff, so that hasn't died out at least. Soon I may or may not be able to post more frequently, depending on exactly how fucking unemployed I'll be after my masters is done, lol
The project sounds like a blast. It kind of makes me envious. :D I mean seriously, why the hell did I ever go into engineering when I could be doing something crazy fun like that?

Anyway, thanks for sharing all that, and keep in touch when you can. Wishing you all the best.
coldbrightsunlight wrote:Hey man, you can do what you want in this den of shame.
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