= Introduce Yourself =

General discussion at the Wang Bar.

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Re: = Introduce Yourself =

Post by karmablock »

Hello all,

I’ve been away for a while but thought I’d reintroduced myself. I’m trying to stay off traditional social media and remembered this place being welcoming even if people didn’t see eye to eye. I haven’t been playing music much due to things in my personal life but I’m trying to get back at it.

I wonder who is still here from the old days. I’ve seen a few names I recognize.
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Re: = Introduce Yourself =

Post by Seance »

I am not as old as the days. But I agree that the current outlets for connection are more fraught with purloined peril.

Fuzz is a good metaphor. And worth returning to as the need arises.

Fuzz is about finding the transcendent in the seemingly broken howl of an angry circuit squawking away, at times transforming notes, choking some off, sustaining others, fritzing and FUBAR AWOLing and stuttering and sputtering and splurging on texture at the expense of clarity to find a new kernel worth conveying. Rag pickers, sifting through the schmatte, finding gems in the act of refurbishing roughage.

Ornamentation or enunciation. You decide. Con Text Jelez dependent.
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Re: = Introduce Yourself =

Post by beavis »

Hi it's Beavis again and I still love pedals.
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