I just spontaniously booked plane tickets to Berlin for new years with a buddy. Financially it's a pretty shitty descision, but it's been too long since I did something fun and stupid like that.
Sounds flipping awesome, dude, have fun!
coldbrightsunlight wrote:Hey man, you can do what you want in this den of shame.
Im not on here nearly enough as a used to cause LIFE, but thank you guys! Married two months Christmas Day, couldn't be happier.
ALso DUBS dude, I'm so happy for you! You deserve that kind of happiness in your life, I'm glad you found it. Reading your posts made me tear up a little haha
ummohyeah wrote:Godspeed rule and no amount of tape would make their pedalboards safe from my cum.
BitchPudding wrote:
No, I'm THE bitch. The only one allowed here.
dubkitty wrote:i'm so happy that i might quit smoking pot because it's no longer as much fun as being alive and being in love. i also don't smoke before i see her because i want to be right on the same level as her, without that little grey cloud between us.
So jealous of those butterflies...it's the best part of all relationships.
Speaking from experience, I advise you not to lead a double life and hide the fact that you smoke (if she isn't aware/she doesn't smoke). Get that out in the open right away. If she is anti and you are srs open to cutting that part out of your life, that could be a good thing to help make your bond even stronger. If you hide it and it shows its face unexpectedly, it can destroy everything immediately or be a slow moving killer that ultimately splits things. Not trying to be a downer on your awesomeness, just looking to help keep it flowing - hoping you don't make the same mistakes I have made.
I went on an impromptu, last minute date on Sunday night. This guy I've been texting with for weeks, finally just took me up on a random offer to hang out on short notice. We ended up having essentially a 6 hour conversation, which was fantastic, ate some carbs, little cuddling and making out at the end and he's been texting and sending me selfies since. Hoping for a second date soon, but it really picked up my mood after a pretty shitty week.
Going to see Star Wars premiere tonight, exxxcited!
Yes, the new episodes suck blah blah blah Disney blah blah, I agree but I am a fanboy and there's nothing I can do about it, even if I hate them, I have to see them. It's a sort of morbid/masochist relation.
My kids have been sick since thanksgiving. Every single night middle of the night it has been like working for FEMA - cleaning vomit and running washes and changing sheets and whatnot. Last night, EVERYONE slept through the night for the first time in about 3 weeks
Anyone with kids knows that having kids is really the end of sleep the way it was before having kids...but the past few weeks I felt like a full on zombie. I'm finally feeling human again. Here's to hoping that everyone stays healthy and the sleep keeps flowing cause a night of contiguous sleep got me all feeling
cosmicevan wrote:
Anyone with kids knows that having kids is really the end of sleep the way it was before having kids...but the past few weeks I felt like a full on zombie. I'm finally feeling human again. Here's to hoping that everyone stays healthy and the sleep keeps flowing cause a night of contiguous sleep got me all feeling
I feel you happiness very much, been through the same just a couple weeks ago.
Dowi wrote:Going to see Star Wars premiere tonight, exxxcited!
Yes, the new episodes suck blah blah blah Disney blah blah, I agree but I am a fanboy and there's nothing I can do about it, even if I hate them, I have to see them. It's a sort of morbid/masochist relation.
I feel the same way. Going to see it next week. It is an obligation.
we talked about the weed thing right away. i had it in my match.com profile, but i'd already been thinking of stopping before i met her. when i told her i was going to let myself run out her only question was "are you sure you don't want to wait till after Christmas when things won't be so stressful?" she said she'd be OK with me continuing but i couldn't bring it to her place because she and her sister operate a small group home with two developmentally disabled adolescents, and it's a state-regulated facility. i was like "i'd rather just stop now and not drag it out." i'm doing really well with it...usually after a week of not smoking i'd be totally miserable and ripping someone a new butthole on the internet. i'm not 100%, but it's actually kind of OK. i figure that my general happiness is helping a lot.
i missed congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Bitch. happy days, y'all!
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
FIFTY YEARS OF SCARING THE CHILDREN 1970-2020--and i'm not done yet
Dowi wrote:Going to see Star Wars premiere tonight, exxxcited!
Yes, the new episodes suck blah blah blah Disney blah blah, I agree but I am a fanboy and there's nothing I can do about it, even if I hate them, I have to see them. It's a sort of morbid/masochist relation.
I feel the same way. Going to see it next week. It is an obligation.
Actually i sort of liked this one.
It totally not perfect, not nearly close, and has some major problem, but i enjoyed it a lot more than the last 2 episodes.
I sold five guns I inherited to Cabela's yesterday for about $2k more than I expected. I should use to pay off half my truck but it would also buy me so much fun shit that I don't really need.
Please welcome the newest member of the Diver household, Milo! He's still on his post-surgery pain meds so he's a little loopy and sleepy, but we're hoping he'll feel right at home soon.
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau
Good dealings with: Vrom, Conky Yamaha / Gallien-Krueger / Pedals
Bassist_Diver wrote:Please welcome the newest member of the Diver household, Milo! He's still on his post-surgery pain meds so he's a little loopy and sleepy, but we're hoping he'll feel right at home soon.