the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thread

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reckon luck
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by reckon luck »

Upside to life being hell lately is that I've had a lot of extra time to hang out with my baby boy, and I've lost 5 lbs. So I've got that going for me.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by adamajah »

reckon luck wrote:extra time to hang out with my baby boy
priceless man! soak it up...
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by resincum »

adamajah wrote:
reckon luck wrote:extra time to hang out with my baby boy
priceless man! soak it up...
tru :) :)* :)* :)* :)*
i'm glad i can call you a friend. even if i'll never see you again
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by waltdogg »

day 4 of tour. we’re 4 for 4 on good sleep and being able to shower so far. portland tonight, redding tomorrow, and back home to oakland on friday. no gear is broken and even though stay wild’s van died, we got it fixed in one day and made it to seattle last night with time to spare. donuts and tattour today.
D.o.S. wrote:Why do people eat steak that shit is gross
behndy wrote: lol. she thinks Brazil is wayyyy too unsafe. but i got PLANS.
MechaGodzilla wrote:man, fuck those big neutrik plugs
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Andrew »

Work has finally quietened down which means that I get my first Saturday off since Christmas. :!!!:
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by BitchPudding »

Practice with my newest project is going great so far. It feels great to be in a band where everyone is hella experience. Theres less BSing when it comes to getting shit done.

We've got a photographer coming through next week to take band photos and individual band member shots. First time I've ever done that. Should be cool. YIP.

Also got the BC-1 pickup for my Billy Corgan Strat conversion in for valentines day. All I need now is the chopper and the guitar will be complete. :yay:
ummohyeah wrote:Godspeed rule and no amount of tape would make their pedalboards safe from my cum.
BitchPudding wrote: No, I'm THE bitch. The only one allowed here.

How dare you sully my good name.
You can find my band here. We are Phantoms Forever. ... uJz3_ZbcSw ... c0MzIxNw==
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Strange Tales »

Got an email from Amazon saying they want to do a phone interview with me for a position in Tokyo. I'm about to explode in nervousness and excitement.

Sort of still in disbelief that this even happened in the first place. Can't think of the last time the universe didn't flip me the cosmic finger.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by coldbrightsunlight »

Good luck ST!
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by BitchPudding »

For real Strange Tales, thats fantastic! Good luck bro. :thumb:

Last nights photo shoot went well. Was the first time I've ever done super professional photos for one of my music projects. We also filmed some promotional stuff.

Its been cool to see this project take off and grow so quickly after getting together. Satisfying. Its given me confidence I didnt even know I had. Enough to whip my other band into shape, get normally flaky dudes to not be flaky. Its also helped me come out of my shell while performing more, which is something I've wanted to be able to do for a long time. Just get over my anxiety and just let go, let the music take me.

Anyway, next step its planning shows with both bands, refining the setlist, get some studio time set up. That sort of thing. I've also got my metal album to put out. So its looking to be a productive year. :hobbes:
ummohyeah wrote:Godspeed rule and no amount of tape would make their pedalboards safe from my cum.
BitchPudding wrote: No, I'm THE bitch. The only one allowed here.

How dare you sully my good name.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by $harkToootth »

Strange Tales wrote:Got an email from Amazon saying they want to do a phone interview with me for a position in Tokyo. I'm about to explode in nervousness and excitement.

Sort of still in disbelief that this even happened in the first place. Can't think of the last time the universe didn't flip me the cosmic finger.
You WILL get that job god damn it, and you WILL move.
This is like 'Good Will Hunting'. I love my NJ Bro but I want you gone and happy.
"SWIPE LEFT ASSHOLE!" -retinal orbita
"Whatever ASSHOLE here’s my pedal that makes humpback whale noises and also it has a built in sequencer so stick it in your craw! -retinal orbita
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Andrew »

Have been listening to Cha La Head Cha La on repeat for the past hour. No fucking idea why this is totally hitting the spot right now.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by greyscales »

Forgot to post this a few days ago but I got a travel training position for my job which means I'll get to spend 3 and a half weeks in Florida starting in March!
Didn't necessarily think I was qualified since I've been working for the company for less than a year but I guess that didn't matter. It's gonna be a ton of work and lots of overtime but the money will be really nice and I need to get out of KY for a while.

Only downside will be missing my girlfriend. Good thing I'll have my OP-1 to keep me warm.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Andrew »

I found out on that my Great-Great and Great Grandfather were both Druids. Fuck yeah.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by friendship »

Andrew wrote:I found out on that my Great-Great and Great Grandfather were both Druids. Fuck yeah.
Fuck yeah. :cool:

I finally took a shower this morning. I will not be revealing when the last time I took a shower was.
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Re: the happiness, excitement, and general contentedness thr

Post by Ugly Nora »

I got my yearly bonus on Tuesday. Last year, it was taxed 36.8%. This year, thanks to Trump' s tax cuts, I was taxed 29.58% despite grossing more money. This puts me in a better position to achieve my longterm financial goals.
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