Requesting help choosing an amp
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:38 pm
Hi this is my first post. I've been getting heavy into doom and I think ive outgrown my peavey mk4. Its been fun but it leaves a lot to be desired. Ibe been gleaning from these forums for a while now and I think ive got my options narrowed down to a few choices. Please let me know what you think but understand that times are hard for me right now, so id like to stay under 1000.
sound city L120. I know of one locally i could pick up for around 600 but what ive read here doesnt fill me with confidence.
sovtek mig. theres one on reverb for 600. ive played one before but never had time to dial in a sound.
peavey 5150. seems like it gets a lot of support in doom communities. as a peavey fanboy, i like the idea.
carvin x100b. im leaning this way just because of the price at around 400. people speak highly of it here. i like to play with pedals and this seems like a good affordable platform.
again none of these are like my dream amp youll notice theyre all similarly priced.
i have a sunn 2x12 and a peavey 4x12 presently.
thanks in advance. love you people.
sound city L120. I know of one locally i could pick up for around 600 but what ive read here doesnt fill me with confidence.
sovtek mig. theres one on reverb for 600. ive played one before but never had time to dial in a sound.
peavey 5150. seems like it gets a lot of support in doom communities. as a peavey fanboy, i like the idea.
carvin x100b. im leaning this way just because of the price at around 400. people speak highly of it here. i like to play with pedals and this seems like a good affordable platform.
again none of these are like my dream amp youll notice theyre all similarly priced.
i have a sunn 2x12 and a peavey 4x12 presently.
thanks in advance. love you people.