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Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:45 pm
by halkaloogie
Finskjaere wrote:Hello everybody,

I'm new on this forum, and I'm considering about buying a CR120.

Initially, I wanted an OR15. I tried one in a guitar shop, and the sound was awesome. But, I'm playing doom (with some black metal influences) in a band, and loud, and I think it will be hard to be hearded on reharsal (my drummer plays pretty loud too). I saw some videos on YouTube, but not much uses low tunings (I mean B or drop A).

I really love massive sounds, like Conan, Ufomammut, Cough or Monarch!
First, do you think I'll get satisfyed with this amp ? (I know it won't sound like à Matamp GT120...)

Then, is it possible, for CR120 owners, to post some massive sounds on low tunings with that amp ?

Thank you very much !

I have been running the dirty channel of a CR120 into a Sunn beta lead's loop A and a Submarine fuzz into loop B into a stock Peavey Penta cab. With my P90 SG the sound is FUCKING HEAVY clear and amazingly accurate. Because the Beta has two effects loops there is no faze problems either. so far all my tube amps have been collecting dust since I put together this monster.

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:30 pm
by Finskjaere
I just ordered my CR120H, can't wait to recieve it !

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:33 pm
by ShaolinLambKiller
Nice! I have 3 of em

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:34 pm
by Finskjaere
Your YouTube videos contributed to my purchase ;).

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:57 pm
by ShaolinLambKiller
Thank you I'm very glad they were useful for you.

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:34 pm
by JereFuzz
Today I installed two speakers I had laying around into a 2X10 Seismic (particle board, though tough) cab. It looks like something folks would put in the back of their truck to blast bassy rap songs. Anyway, I installed an old 16ohm jet city (Eminence) speaker and a 16ohm Jensen Electric Lightning speaker into the cab. To test it, i.e. make sure the wiring was a-ok, I dusted off my Quileter 101. Previously, I noted (somewhere) that it didn't take pedals well, distortion pedals at least. And I thought it wouldn't take pedals well when I plugged in my sg special and hardwire sc-2 but I was super impressed. I'm thinking that the Quilter "likes" the Jensen e.l./jet city combo quite a bit because everything was smooth (in a metal sense). The hi-cut on the quilter is your friend and hit kills any nasty transistor highs that may creep in. And "despite" being only 50 watts (at least on the non-surf/jazz channels) it is super loud. My faith in the Quilter brand has really been renewed!

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:08 am
by Finskjaere
Hey guys!

What do you think about the Peavey Centurion mk III for punishing riffs ? (One's in sale nearby for cheap)

(BTW, I canceled my order for the CR120H, because I bought a 5150 ^^ still, I'll probably buy this amp later as a backup)

Thanks for your answers!

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:45 pm
by JereFuzz
Finskjaere wrote:Hey guys!

What do you think about the Peavey Centurion mk III for punishing riffs ? (One's in sale nearby for cheap)

(BTW, I canceled my order for the CR120H, because I bought a 5150 ^^ still, I'll probably buy this amp later as a backup)

Thanks for your answers!
Never played one but utube clips sound heavy ... they look cool too

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:09 pm
by Bassist_Diver
I'm okay with Gallien-Krueger RB heads but that's about it.

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:57 am
by GardenoftheDead
the Boss Katanas can cop fairly convincing doomage for a low price

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:47 am
by ShaolinLambKiller
i'm down to one broken cr120 now and sold the other 2 to friends that wanted to jam on them and feel in love with them. I hooked them up with the exact prices I got them for.

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:16 pm
by JereFuzz
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:i'm down to one broken cr120 now and sold the other 2 to friends that wanted to jam on them and feel in love with them. I hooked them up with the exact prices I got them for.
Ever check out Dave Simpson’s YouTube? He is the best salesman for the OR120:


I think he’s posted 30+ videos on the crush. I have two - black cr60c and orange cr120h ... great amps with a much beloved MASTER VOLUME! But you do have to crank it to sound nice but one you are there it is very versatile if you play with the EQ.

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:44 am
by JTurbide
Finskjaere wrote:Hey guys!

What do you think about the Peavey Centurion mk III for punishing riffs ? (One's in sale nearby for cheap)

(BTW, I canceled my order for the CR120H, because I bought a 5150 ^^ still, I'll probably buy this amp later as a backup)

Thanks for your answers!
Can't comment on this particular one but I just bought a Peavey 260H Standard PA (solid state from around the same years) and it's really cool. Go see and try it, if it's good and cheap buy it. I mean I got mine for like $120 shipped. 120W 4 channel head (I use jumper cables to run through all 4 of them at the same time for great distortion sounds) with fx loop and built in spring reverb for the price of a cheap pedal :excellent:

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:58 am
by fever606
Finskjaere wrote:Hey guys!

What do you think about the Peavey Centurion mk III for punishing riffs ? (One's in sale nearby for cheap)
I played bass through Centurys and Centurions (into an Ampeg fridge) all through college and every one of them was a fantastic amp. Loud an indestructible and cut through without getting harsh. And they take a Big Muff like champs.

Unrelated: my ACC140 is in BST. PM me for details/doom bro hookup... :animal:

Re: Any solid state love?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:28 pm
by JTurbide
Just here to say that after a great experience with old solid state amps (Peavey) I just acquired a Traynor TS-20. This thing is really cool too ! Small, weight close to nothing, pretty loud, Hi and Low channels, good cleans, pretty good reverb (I think I prefer it over my Peavey's reverb, but haven't done a real side by side reverb comparison yet), nice tube-esque overdrive, tons of gain.

My buddy played my Formanta Solo with the built it fuzz at full blast, the amp gain and reverb maxed, tuned to drop D and even at low volume it was fucking awesome. Damn I would've like to be in a jam space instead of my appartment. I tried today and didn't get quite the same tone (I was in normal tuning but I don't think thats the cause), he probably hit that sweet spot on the Fuzz tone knob.

Played some surfy tunes today, loved the cleans and reverb.

I'll get some tubes amps again some day but damn I'm having fun with those SS. :D

edit: Earth Sound Research SuperBass Producer Series in !! Another great sounding amp ! :D