Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help group?

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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by friendship »

I want a cheap Telecaster with a fat neck. It's gotta have a solid bridge Tele pickup sound. I do not give a shit what brand it is.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by dubkitty »

my coworker who's mad into Teles would say to get an acceptable body, order the fattest Tele neck Allparts makes--they apparently have one, IIRC called "the Fat," which is an absolute baseball bat like Charlie prefers--and a Fralin pickup.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by UglyCasanova »

Anther year, another Pladask/Bandorg workshop. Always a good time! :thumb:

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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by Pepe »

That's a marvellous looking pedal!
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by Warpsmasher »

Where the octave up rabbit hole intersects with octave down...the MXR Sub Machine and Poly Blue Octave are also looking like some tasty offerings of similar, and are definitely on the list to try. Seems like a Poly Blue with an Attack Decay could get you right into some HOG territories. Found a good enough deal to grab this first though, and yeah, when Emma nails the aesthetic they really nail it.
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Post by chuckjaywalk »

Since buying my Moog Grandmother in August, I've been able to resist the siren's call of Eurorack. I was checking out some stuff at my local synth store and talking to the owner about my eventual desire to add additional oscillator to the Grandmother via Eurorack. He offered the EQD Wave Transformer and a Eurorack case for $300 and I couldn't pass it up. So I have a Eurorack now. Just one module, but I am on the train.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by coldbrightsunlight »

uh oh. How do you find the wave transformer though?
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by chuckjaywalk »

coldbrightsunlight wrote:uh oh. How do you find the wave transformer though?
The Wave Transformer is doing exactly what I wanted a module to do: giving me extra oscillator options for the Grandmother. Since I can use as many as 5 of the 7 voices with my current setup (3 into the mult, 1 each replacing the GM's oscillators), it gives me a lot more voices and none of the oscillators sound out of place with the Moog oscillator. I already have a short shopping list, but that comes with the territory. I need a ring modulator, another mult, and I'd like to have more filters.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by chuckjaywalk »

It took a few days to REALLY dig in and I can't believe I owned the Grandmother so long without a Eurorack. I needed to learn a few things, like putting the Grandmother in 0-10v mode instead of -5-+5v mode and using the correct input on the EQD Wave Transformer, but now it has transformed the Grandmother into a whole new instrument. I can run just the Complex wave through the GM's filters and Envelope and get a new instrument. I still think that an extra Mult, VCF, and VCA will get me to a really special place. I have an Elektron Syntakt to sequence the whole thing, so I'm growing into a Eurorack enthusiast.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by Warpsmasher »

Grabbed a Fulltone Catalyst at Bookman' is rad. Fuzzface as an all fet overdrive kind of thing. Fetface. The edge of breakup stuff is fantastic with this pedal. Grittier than a Rat but still catches lots of nice subtle stuff. Anywhere in the chain friendly fuzzes are another rabbit hole of interest lately, and I have a muffy fuzz drive coming now, an Ibanez 850 mini.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by coldbrightsunlight »

chuckjaywalk wrote:It took a few days to REALLY dig in and I can't believe I owned the Grandmother so long without a Eurorack. I needed to learn a few things, like putting the Grandmother in 0-10v mode instead of -5-+5v mode and using the correct input on the EQD Wave Transformer, but now it has transformed the Grandmother into a whole new instrument. I can run just the Complex wave through the GM's filters and Envelope and get a new instrument. I still think that an extra Mult, VCF, and VCA will get me to a really special place. I have an Elektron Syntakt to sequence the whole thing, so I'm growing into a Eurorack enthusiast.
Sounds like fun! I'd definitely love to try out a grandmother. Seems great.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by Blackened Soul »

So.. I got one of those Nobels ODR-1 minis… won’t lie, kinda mad at how good it sounds with my rid… it beat out the does it doom pedal.. :grumpy:
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by dub »

I know the feeling. I've found an OCD circuit really useful lately. (I went with the Warm Audio clone, lol), and before that I was using a fucking klon for my 'clean' tone.

Have been on a bit of a mad spending spree since getting very inspired at a local music festival a few weeks ago, playing everyday and trying out lots of stuff, also digging out my unused gear from years ago and experimenting with a noisy table top setup (the wackier shit that I really love but never gets much love with guitar).

Just bought a Bit: Legend of Fuzz out of nostalgia and finding it absolutely useless. ahah. One for the table I think.
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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by Warpsmasher »

Blackened Soul wrote:So.. I got one of those Nobels ODR-1 minis… won’t lie, kinda mad at how good it sounds with my rid… it beat out the does it doom pedal.. :grumpy:
That's awesome :thumb:

Got one o' them fancypants Vangoa pedalboards ordered, the bigger one from Amazon: ... =UTF8&th=1

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Re: Gasalcoholics anonymous? whoever said this was a help gr

Post by le lambin »

I have never heard or seen of anything like that- integrated power supply and what looks like some kind of simple patch bay? I hope it actually works like it should- interesting find!

It didn’t take long for Blood Mountain’s description of the Tasty Chips Integral to woo me into ordering one- Perfect Circuit is having a 10% off sale on most things and the Integral was in stock, and one thing led to another.

I also just received a Maneco Labs Small Nimbus today, a pedal version of everyone’s favorite granular darling, Clouds. I haven’t seen anyone really using anything from Maneco, and I wasn’t into euro rack when Clouds swiffered the nation, so it’s all still new and fun to me. Haven’t messed with the alternate firmware yet but the pedal is fun and seems high quality. And it’s way cheaper than a Tomkat Cloudy. I’m kind of surprised there’s not a mainstream clone of Clouds in pedal format?
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