Crazy Multi-Delay Idea

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Crazy Multi-Delay Idea

Postby dave's avalanche » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:51 am

Ok, here it is. I stumbled on tapping in a polyrhythm (5 or 7 eighth note values) on the quarter note setting of the avalanche run. IF AND EVER EQD would release a new delay with even more craziness onboard, here's an Idea.

It would be based on the AV. Standard mode, reverse mode and swell mode would all be there.

To start the differences off, it would have a 5/8 and 7/8 tap ratio, with a switchable mod section from the space spiral, a preamp section, (heck just throw in the speaker cranker for god's sake) a reverb section from the afterneath (someone already claimed that one, kudos) and a EXP function that would put a bit of tricks from the rainbow machine BETWEEN the delay and reverb chain. As another final kick to make it impossible to follow, an EXTERNAL TAP and midi capability with more than one dsp in charge would and could possibly make it the ULTIMATE exotic delay machine.

More Thoughts? JUMP ON IT.
dave's avalanche

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Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:29 pm

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