CLAIMED Free Tele Body and Hardware

Parts! Pickups, bridges, other parts! (Feel free to double-post from the main B/S/T.)

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CLAIMED Free Tele Body and Hardware

Post by morange »

I put my Baja Tele neck on a new Warmoth body today, and now I have this butterscotch blonde body you can take off my hands, just pay shipping. It's a little fucked up, so this will never be your case queen, but if you want to build a project or beater guitar, she's your girl. There is a strange shaped hole routed in it (below where the pickguard covers) where I briefly had a mini humbucker. There are some dents and gouges where I bounced the router around. But the neck pocket is tight, the bridge will screw down nice, there are string ferrules and a jack cup with jack and wires. Also a neck plate/screws.

I also have a nicely wired control plate with 500k CTS audio pots, .022 uF film/foil tone cap. Will include if you want it. Good fucking deal right here. Find yourself a neck with tuners, pickups, bridge, and a pickguard (optional) and you're golden.

My ability to take pictures is limited because I'm living that luddite life and my drug dealer phone takes shit pics. Hey let me know if you want any/all of this stuff for your project and I'll send it to you.

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