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has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:19 pm


Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:47 pm

Nope. I have actually had a delay design in prototype form since 2010, but never released it. There are just so many delay pedals and I never wanted to release something if I didn't feel it was contributing some unique angle.

I'm certainly open to hearing what people might expect to see in an IE delay. The prototype was going in the direction of strange sounds and unique features - glitchy and rearranged. But that was before IE really had a following and I was designing in a vacuum. I'm not sure if what I was doing at that time would be too weird to be usable for most people who already use other IE pedals. It's a lot of work bringing a design to completion, so it can be a bit scary to work on something for a long time without being sure if it'll fall on deaf ears, so to speak.

space6oy, or others reading, your thoughts are welcome. I'm not expecting you to feed me ideas for specific features, but more like the direction you imagine an Iron Ether take on delay would go in. If it was experimental, would that disappoint you or is that exactly what you would be looking for?

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:58 pm

i'll have to think about it. i just ran through all your peds and wondered (i love your builds).
it was brought on by another thread on here about delays that continue trails when bypassed.
plus i've been digging around checking out peds w/ stereo ins & outs. starting to wish they all did, ha...
a hold switch with some other scenario than oscillation or modulation could be cool. maybe something that causes the trails to slide into a different pitch, something like that...

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:25 pm

I'd say something like that eurorack random sequencer you brought out in pedal format would be great, in other words a weird delay would very much be up my alley (especially regarding the rhythm, not like those pitch shift delays).

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:26 pm

I like the idea of a more experimental delay. I feel like people are starting to get more into weird glitchy sounds so the market is probably ready for a crazy glitchy IE delay. There are a hundred delay pedals for people who want normal delay sounds.

I personally like the "delay on fire" melting tape sounds and the chopped up samply glitchy stuff a lot, but haven't heard much outside of those two extremes (that i can think of right now) in terms of experimental delays.

In short, the world is ready for IE delay.

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:06 pm

I wouldn't mind crazy delay as long as it can also do standard delay. I think the ILF market is into the crazier stuff but not guitarist and bassists as a whole. If anything people purchase way more standard stuff.

I like reverse delay, swelling delay, weird times delays...etc.

It has to be usable though and I've found crazier effects to be one trick ponies.

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:40 pm

I would be so into an IE delay, though I never really wondered why there wasn't one available before.

I have the Nimbus and love it to bits, so maybe a delay would also have a filter and separate dry/wet? Bitcrush/glitch on the repeats & reverse I also like the sound of.

Re: has there never been an IE delay?

Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:34 pm

A real good reverse/swell device. Maybe ring mod or flange in the loop for delicious clang?
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