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Freakbass Alpha - update

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:54 am
by D-Rainger
I've decided to stop doing the Freakbass Alpha.
It's fun playing through it - but there's a problem; with the main detune feature it's kind of limited. You have to tune it to the key you're playing in, and then it only tracks for about three notes above and below that note... Anything else is garbled. So it's great if you're playing that kind of bassline, but otherwise.... I can't see it becoming a fixture on many pedalboards - and I want Rainger FX to do more useful stuff than that.
So it's not on the website anymore.
I think the idea of a 'bass Dwarf' is completely brilliant, and it's got to be done, but it's not there yet.

'A great sound, with very limited use'
- If it's a great sound, why is it limited use?
- Do you own any pedals that this describes already?
- If it costs $135, does that change things?

Re: Freakbass Alpha - update

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:37 pm
by coldbrightsunlight
I like pedals with one great sound and nothing else to waste your time. Don't have many right now but they're relaxing and a lot of fun because I turn it on, it sounds good, time to play. No messing around.

Trouble is maybe there's a higher chance of people not loving it that with pedals that have more options. :idk: